$5 to the CDC Foundation

$5 to the CDC Foundation

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5,000 points

The CDC Foundation helps the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) save and improve lives by unleashing the power of collaboration between CDC, philanthropies, corporations, organizations and individuals to protect the health, safety and security of America and the world. 

The CDC Foundation is the go-to nonprofit authorized by Congress to mobilize philanthropic partners and private-sector resources to support CDC’s critical health protection mission. Since 1995, the CDC Foundation has raised over $1.6 billion and launched more than 1,200 programs impacting a variety of health threats from chronic disease conditions including cardiovascular disease and cancer, to infectious diseases like rotavirus and HIV, to emergency responses, including COVID-19 and Ebola. The CDC Foundation managed hundreds of programs in the United States and in more than 160 countries last year. 

The CDC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and its Federal Identification Number is 58-2106707.

Donations will be distributed to non-profits roughly six weeks after the month end of when the points were donated. Contributions to nonprofit organizations that are undeliverable will be given to a nonprofit of Microsoft’s choosing on your behalf. This could happen if the nonprofit no longer meets the participation criteria.

The cash donation to the non-profit organization will be made on your behalf following the expiration of the calendar quarter (i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31) in which your donation is made. Microsoft will use reasonable efforts to provide the cash donation to the applicable non-profit organization within 60 days of the end of the previous calendar quarter. Microsoft shall make such payment to non-profit organizations of Microsoft’s choosing on your behalf if: (i) the non-profit organization you choose is no longer available at the redemption center when the payment is made; or (ii) the aggregated cash donation for your non-profit organization at the time the payment is made is under $10. Contributions to non-profit organizations that are undeliverable will be given to a non-profit organization of Microsoft’s choosing on your behalf.